Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fancy Smancy Shirts.

I hope everyone had a great weekend; I sure did! My parents came to visit for my birthday and Richie and I attended a fabulous wedding. We had such a great time and both Richie and I wish Sharun and Dwight so much happiness. Here is Richie and I on our way out the door for the wedding. I had to show it since Richie and I take very few pictures together. Not on purpose, but just too busy and never think about it.

So this weekend I was also very busy with orders, but managed to come up with a couple of new things. I wanted to make Caroline a turtle neck, but a regular turtle neck just did not have the pizazz I desired. A little ribbon, a little fringe.....Whala!! There it was my fancy turtleneck. Ooh La La magnifique! Customize your only fancy turtleneck with any color ribbon, fringe and font!

I just couldn't stop there, so I decided to fancy up a regular shirt as well. This time I used 1 initial and then added a mini embroidery design. I have lots of mini embroidery designs for both girls and boys. I thought it turned out way too cute!


  1. I'm loving the new designs! You have no idea...everyday I look at all this cute stuff you're making, and it's driving me crazy to find out what we're having! :) Hopefully soon!

  2. You look beatiful, and the shirts are way too cute! :)
