Even though I was to take it easy today; I just couldn't stay away for to long. I had to make a few things. So first I had to get that personalized monogrammed sippy cup done. I did the sippy cup in the same big dot fabric as the plate.
This cup can come in any fabric and any monogram font. The cup can also come in purple, turquoise, red, and blue.
To get Caroline ready for her 1st day of school I had to get her a lunch bag and of course monogram it.
Isn't it to cute?
I also made a couple of new shirts with new designs. The first shirt is the regular long sleeve shirt and it has a purse on it. Can you get any more girly than a purse? The purse is in teal and brown polka dot and teal corduroy fabric. The pants are made out of teal corduroy. The purse can be made in any fabric and in any color. The pants as well can be made in any fabric, color and with any trims.
The next shirt I made is in the lettuce edge shirt and I put this adorable crown on it. At first I was not to fond of the whole princess theme, but now I love it! In fact I can not get enough. I did not make the pants! I bought this adorable Zuccini outfit that it really only for Christmas, but I really want to use he pants before then. I decided to make a few shirts for them, so I can interchange them and wear the pants often. Check your closet and if you have outfits that already have pants get them some tops to wear with them. I have done that a lot and it saves tons of money. The crown is in in key lime green check and is accented with bright pink to match the pants.
I was on the phone with my friend Brandy this morning and she requested that I put up samples of my fabric. These aren't all, but most. If you do not see something you had in mind, contact me and let me know.

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